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3. Olivet Discourse

This is a talk that Jesus had with his disciples in the last week of his life.

They sat on the Mount of Olives, probably looking across the Kidron Valley at Jerusalem and specifically the imposing structure of the Jerusalem Temple.

This discourse is important because of the pertinent details Jesus gives about the immediate future (that was fulfilled) and the distant future (that is yet to be fulfilled)

Here is a suggested outline: Matthew 24, 25; Luke 21

1.0 Jesus’ Lamentation – Matt 23:37-39

1.1 His going without being accepted – Matt 23:37

1.2 Desolation of Jerusalem after he goes – Matt 23:38

1.3 His return – Matt 23:39


2.0 Disciples’ Questions – Matt 24:1-3

2.1 When will this happen? – Luke 21

2.2 What is the sign of your coming?

2.3 What is the sign of the end of the age?


3.0 The coming of Jesus Christ in relation to the Jews – Matt 24:4–44

3.1 The Beginning of sorrows – Matt 24:4–14

3.2 The Great Tribulation – Matt 24:15-28

3.3 The Coming of the Lord – Matt 24:29-31

3.4 Parables – Matt 24:32-44

The fig tree – Matt 24:32-35

The days of Noah – Matt 24:36-41

Thief in the night – Matt 24:42-44


4.0 The coming of Jesus Christ in relation to the church – Matt 24:45-25:30

4.1 Parable of the servants – Matt 24:45-51

4.2 Parable of the virgins – Matt 25:1-134.3 Parable of the talents – Matt 25:14–30


5.0 The coming of Jesus Christ in relation to the Nations

5.1 Parable of the sheep and goats (the coming judgment) – Matt 25:31-46


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